Senj, Croatia

City Senj, Croatia
Jan Kraus /

Main tourist info about visiting Senj

Tourist board
TZ Senj
Address: Stara cesta 2, Senj
Phone: +385 (0)53 881 068
Fax: +385 (0)53 881 291
Country: Croatia, European Union
Region: Velebit channel
County: Ličko-senjska
Postal code: 53270

Accommodation in Senj

Senj has a wide variety of different accommodation suitable for both holidays makers or business travelers. Prices of stay and other costs are very affordable in comparison with other places on the Adriatic coast.
Please use this upper booking application to find best prices for your visit to Senj, enter your desired dates and you will get most reliable and affordable offer on all accommodation including apartments, hotels and private rooms in Senj and nearby.

Location of Senj

The city of Senj is located on the Adriatic coast just under a legendary mountain of Velebit.
Senj is also the biggest town between cities of Rijeka and Zadar and in the same time one of the biggest tourism centers of this almost 200km stretch of Adriatic coast. Close to many tourist attraction and surrounded by crystal clear sea next to a thick forest Senj is the perfect spot for booth tourists and business travelers.

History of Senj

Senj is the oldest settlement on Northern Adriatic dating back to more than 1000 years before Christ.
The first settlement was the main establishment of Illyrian tribe Japodi and was situated on nearby Kuk hill.
During 6th century before Christ with an increase in trade between inland and the coast people of Senia started to move Kuk hill into the new settlement Attienites founded be Greeks under the slopes of Velebit mountain and Kapala hill.
During 2th century before Christ after arrival if Romans city was given new name Senia and it became main maritime, trading and cultural center of this part of Adriatic.
In the year 1169. Senj was awarded by Catholic diocese and from year 1184.g. the city was owned by Templar order of knights.
During middle ages, the Glagolitic script was the think because Senj was well known in the rest of the world because of its printing press established in 1494.g. It is very interesting to know that in the year 1248. by special permission of Pope Innocent IV. only Bishop of Senj has the right to use local language (Croatian) and Glagolitic script in the liturgy, what is just one of examples of how close are Catholic church and Croatian nation.
By the end of 15th century because of increasing barbaric Ottoman invaders attacks that was pillaged across Europe city of Senj organizes Croatian defense forces known as “Senjski uskoci” with the primary task of stopping Ottomans from the one side, and Italians from the other side.
In the year 1558. on nearby hill Trbusnjak 1558. people of Senj build fortress Nehaj that defended this part of Croatia for centuries but also become one of the most famous fortresses on Adriatic.
Thru next centuries city flourishes till the moment railroad was redirected from the city of Senj and all major traffic was diverted to the city of Rijeka (then occupied by Hungary).

Tourism in Senj

The city of Senj is not one of those places that are well known among the tourist who is visiting Croatia. But thanks to its long history, beautiful and modern city beach that will leave you breathless during the sunny summer days, or nights full of life with plenty things to do and events to visit the city of Senj will for sure become one of the biggest tourist hotspots in this part of Croatia.

Must visit events in Senj and nearby

Everybody who likes to have good fun during the summer probably knows about International Senj summer carnival where you can hide under the mask and pretend to be someone else and give that extra touch to your pleasant stay in Croatia.
Also during the summer in the city and nearby, there are plenty of another thing to do, like:
- Festival of flowers (April)
- Fisherman's feast (during whole summer)
- Bicycle race hill climb from Senj to Zavižan - 0 do 1594m climb (June)
- Moto happening (June)
- Sailing regatta (June)
- Days of Uskok (July)
-  "Klapa" singing festival (July)
- Fair of traditional products "Potok sriće" (August)
- Honey Days (August)

Must see places in Senj and nearby

In Senj city or nearby you can visit a lot of cultural or natural treasures of which we mostly recommend you to visit:

- Nehaj tower
  Address: Nehajeva bb, 53270, Senj
  Phone: +385 53 885-277

Nehaj fortess, Senj
János Korom Dr. /

- Park Nehaj
  around Nehaj tower

- Town Museum
  Address: Milana Ogrizovića 5, 53270 Senj
  Phone: +385 53 881-141

- St. Mary Cathedral
  Address: Župni ured Senj, Milana Ogrizovića 2, 53270
   Phone: +385 (53) 881 043

- Glagolitic script - Senj printing
  Address: Gradski muzej Senj, Milana Ogrizovića 5,      
  53270 Senj
  Phone: +385 53 881 141

- The park of Senj Writers

- Our Lady of Krasno sanctuary
  Address: Krasno 58, 53274 Krasno
  Phone: +385 53 799 102

- Forestry museum Krasno
  Address: Krasno bb, 53274 Krasno
  Phone: 053/851-116

- Northern Velebit National Park
  Address: Krasno 96 , 53274 Krasno
  Phone: +385 53 665 380

Velebit, Croatia
Darij & Ana /

- Velebit Nature Park
  Address: Kaniža bb, 53000 Gospić
  Phone: 053/560 450


- Birds of prey conservation center
  Address: Obala dr. Franje Tuđmana 2, 53270 Senj
  Phone: 00385 (0) 91 335 7123

Where to eat in Senj

In Senj, you can find all kind of traditional Croatian cuisine mostly from Adriatic and Velebit region around Senj, but also a wide diversity of all other mostly Mediterranean but also all kind of other food.
On the main square there are a lot of Ice-cream shops and all around the Senj city, you can find street stands or high-level restaurants where you can enjoy tasty meals from breakfast till deep into the night.

If you are looking for a good meal in Senj we recommend:

- Bistro Potok
  Address: Potok 2, 53270 - Senj
  Phone: + 385 (0)91 28 81 528

- Caffe Bar Kod Tri Mornara
  Address: Ive Vlatkovića 2, 53270 - Senj
  Phone: + 385 (0)95 19 75 282

- Konoba Ivka
  Address: Mile Magdića 12, 53270 - Senj
  Phone: + 385 (0)98 91 26 641

- Konoba Lavlji dvor
  Address: Petra Preradovića 2, 53270 - Senj
  Phone: + 385 (0)98 71 25 31
  Fax: + 385 (0)53 88 42 66

- Restaurant Pizzeria Tropicana
  Address: Trg Dvorac 3, 53270 - Senj
  Phone: +385 (0)98 94 27 189

How to get to Senj

The city of Senj can be easily reached by almost all means of transport available to modern travelers or holiday makers.

How to get to Senj by car
If you are coming from the north of Croatia thru the city of Zagreb fastest way is to enter highway (A1) at entry point Lučko (next to Zagreb) and drive towards the city of Split until you reach exit point “Zuta lokva” that will take you around 1:20h drive (131km). After exit point "Žuta lokva" you have 25 minutes (22km) more drive till you reach Senj on mountains road that can be a real pleasure for people who enjoy driving thru beautiful landscapes.
On the other way, our recommendation, especially during traffic jams in the summer season is not to use highway at all but drive from the city of Karlovac on an old road called Jozefina firstly constructed at the end of 18th century. If you take this road you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of Velebit mountain and you will be able to visit some remarkable places like numerous beaches on crystal clear Mreznica river, eat domestic food in many restaurants by the road and visit old Croatian cities like Karlovac, Duga Resa, Oštarije, Josipdol, Jezerane, Brinje. Near a place called Modruš you must stop and drink fresh water that comes directly from the mountain Velebit to beautiful fountain. If you decide to take this old road it will take you around 2:00h drive (115km) from the city of Karlovac to the city of Senj.
If you are coming to Croatia thru border crossing Rupa Pasjak (from the Republic of Slovenia) just follow the Adriatic coastal road (D8) towards city Senj, Split. From border crossing Rupa Pasjak it takes around 1:15h (90km) enjoyable drive thru many tourist destinations on the Adriatic coast and we recommend you to visit on the way places like Dramalj, Crikvenica, Selce, Novi Vinodolski and Klenovica where you can take a relaxing beach break. During your drive, you can enjoy the unforgettable scenery of the Adriatic since this road is mostly positioned just by the sea all time.

How to get to Senj by plain
Nearest International airport to the city of Senj is Rijeka airport on island of Krk. To reach Rijeka airport go north on Adriatic coastal road (D8) towards the city of Rijeka till you get to the exit point for the island Krk around 48-minute drive (46km) and then take the local road toward island Krk and Airport Rijeka 11 minutes (9km). On this stretch of the road, you will need to pay bridge crossing tools, you pay this toll only once since exit from the island is free. Our recommendation is always to arrange transport from this Rijeka airport to Senj before you plan your trip since local lines are very bad. Our recommendation is to use Zagreb International Airport and then order Taxi that will drive you probably faster and more enjoyable than local transport from Rijeka airport. You can a book taxi from Airport Zagreb to the city of Senj here.

How to get to Senj by bus
The city of Senj has only 4 direct lines to the major bus station in Croatia, but no direct bus lines to an international destination.
From Senj and to Senj you can arrive by bus from this major destination in Croatia:
Senj - Rijeka (around 1:30h drive)
Senj - Split (around 6:30h drive)
Senj - Zadar (around 3:00h drive)
Senj - Zagreb (around 2:30h drive)

Bus station Senj
Obala dr. Franje Tuđmana 8
53270 Senj
Tel: +385 60 394394

How to get to Senj by train
Unfortunately, the city of Senj is too far from any railroad station so we do not recommend this form of transport to reach the city of Senj.

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